Animal Communication and Healings

Some of my best friends and greatest teachers have been animals.
By doing this work I honor my connections with them.

 *I do not do lost pet readings. Please go to for those.

"The Soul never thinks without a picture."

Everything we think creates a picture- 
just like a thought bubble in a cartoon. Animals are naturally telepathic and can read those pictures.
They also use those pictures to communicate with each other, and us.
Sometimes they get confused, or frustrated, because we are not reading their pictures correctly and so resort to other methods of communication.
Inappropriate barking, chewing or peeing are examples.
They may need someone to talk to. I can bridge that space in between you.

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Animals have opinions about changes in their lives. 

Uncertainty with a new family member, feeling displaced because of a move, sadness resulting from the loss of an animal, or human, friend. . .
these things are deeply felt.
Domestic animals also tend to take on household stress trying to heal their humans and have no idea how to release the energy.
They may need a healing.

As with people,
when an animal feels heard and seen- they feel validated and loved.
Communication enhances your relationship. Knowledge is power.
An empowered animal is happier.

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How a session can help:

I have a special team of Healing Beings for Animals and work with St Francis, Archangels, Pan and other members of the Elemental Realm.

-we can ask if they are happy and if they have any needs or wants.

-see if they have reasons that explain their behavior and resolve issues. 

-ask why they chose to be with you- find out what your agreement is and how it’s working out. 

What are you learning from each other?

-smooth out an introduction to a new animal, or human.

-with which animal to adopt by
looking at the combined energies (yours, theirs, what you want, what they want, etc.)


-address separation anxiety issues

-disconnect cords and ties to previous families that keep them energetically bound and update those connections to you. 

-provide support as they work through physical and emotional issues

-prepare them for a visit to the vet, traveling, a move, etc. 

-release and heal trauma.

-aide animals who are sick or undergoing treatment for an illness.

-provide compassionate support during the aging and dying processes.

-offer assistance and hold space for them as they begin their death process.


We can also connect with animals who have left their body. 

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**I cannot override human or animal behavior.
I can communicate both sides to the other and help negotiate issues, or concerns. Be they health, behavior, addressing an upcoming event or change… but remember, communication is not a replacement for training, or compromise.